Deposit $50
August $190
General Description:
This one day, 17 week course is designed to help students prepare for the ACT or improve their score. Students will learn testing strategies, time management, and review the content areas of English, Reading, Science, and Math. Students will practice on real questions from the ACT. Weekly assignments will be given and there will be quizzes and tests given in class. All work is graded by the teacher.
Students Who Should Take This Class:
It should be taken by any high school student who is preparing to take the ACT or is interested in improving their score. This course may count for .5 credit of the three elective credits required for graduation. Check with your cover school.
Fees cover all classroom supplies and handouts.
What the Student Provides:
Students provide the text.
Deposit $85
August $170
November $170
Deborah Woody is a graduate of MTSU with a degree in music business, and double minors in music and mass communication with an emphasis on education. She has taught guitar and piano for 25 years and homeschooled for 16 years. Using her interest in all things old and also practical, she has taught both history and finance to homeschoolers and in co-ops for the last 12 years. As a homeschooling parent, she has developed interesting ways to combine curriculums while ensuring that all her classes meet the requirements under Tennessee law.