Foundations of Writing Level 1  (FOW1) (6-8)

Following Narnia

The Magician’s Nephew

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The Horse and His Boy

Daily Grams 7

Total Cost: $450

Deposit: $90


November: $180



Other Supplies Needed:

Loose Leaf Paper

Three-Ring Binder (any size)

5 dividers for organizing binder

             (labeled: Current Paper, Assignment Sheets, Class Handouts, Vocabulary, Graded Papers)

Pens--Blue or Black ink only, please

Highlighter (any color)

Access to dictionary/thesaurus at home--not to bring to class

Pencils, if desired

*High School Credit can be earned with class modifications.



Using the first three novels of The Chronicles of Narnia (The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe, and The Horse and His Boy), this class beckons students to experience
the enchanted land of Narnia through structure and style.
This level one class covers each of the nine IEW units, including reports, stories, mini-research
reports, writing from pictures creative writing, compare/contrast essays, formal essays, and a
book critique. Students will begin by completing one to three paragraphs per week, and then
move into 5+ paragraph research essays.
Themes focus on subjects related to the Narnia books and the World War II period by
incorporating more source texts from important figures from this era including Winston
Churchill, Adolf Hitler, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
This class will also include and emphasize important, practical grammar rules. Vocabulary lists
and quizzes will also be included.
This is a 32-week course and earns one middle school English credit.*

Laurel Smith holds a Bachelor of Music Education and taught for ten years in the public school system, and has over fifteen years experience as homeschool instructor in the areas of English, history, and other subjects within the humanities.  She is a homeschool mom and has extensive experience working with students with learning challenges.

Mrs. Smith’s teaching style is hands-on and interactive.  She enjoys creating lessons that are both informative and engaging.  If you peek in her class, you might find her dressed as an historical or literary figure. Students will be analyzing original documents, participating in games or simulations, or presenting projects.  As long as we are learning, we might as well have fun doing it!